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Terms and Conditions

 Terms and Conditions

Registering to an event proposed by Back'us on his web site is conditional upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

This web site "" is managed by BK BACKUS SARL (Back'us) a privately owned Company with an equity of 15 000 Euros, incorporated in Paris - RC Paris B 502 196 090. The Head Office is located at 142, rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris, France

Back'us is a Trading company specialized in import, export and distribution of alcoholic beverages; Giving advice and training in the fields of oenology and gastronomy and organizing events related to these areas.

By opening an account on the web site of Back'us:, you accept and agree to the present "Terms and Conditions".

When creating your personal account on Back'us  website, you are joining the network of customer base and network. Your account is managed by Back'us Webmaster who you can contact by: e-mail:

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or by postmail at the following address:

142, rue de Rennes
75006 Paris
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Personal data gathered through this website will be processed (recorded, copied, consulted, ordered, edited) only for allowing Back'us and members of our network of service providers to meet client needs to the best possible.

These personal data will remain confidential and will only be used for In the framework of the missions entrusted to us by our clients and carried out under the management or with the participation of Back'us.

Back'us reserves the right to retaliate against you in case of financial or other damage (image, credibility) caused by  false or inaccurate information that you registered on your personal account or that you would have broadcasted from your user profile via social networks.

 Back'us reserves the right, for strictly professional purposes, to transfer all or part of your personal data to its partner companies in order to provide the services you have requested.

You can read the information about the data contained or managed through the website of Back'us by clicking on the"Disclaimer" tab.

Please refer to the "Disclaimer" page for the use of non-personal data that you may be required to communicate via the Back'us website.

You may at any time rectify, complete, update or delete your personal data by accessing your personal account via the Back'us website, by e-mail to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by postmail to BK Back'us - Webmestre - 142, rue de Rennes - 75006 Paris.



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