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Гран Крю и редкие вина..

The purchases of rare wines and Grands Crus are in a number of cases carried out via public auctions.


romanee conti tajan

If you are looking for rare wines and Grands Crus, we will endeavor to meet your demand via the classic distribution channels. However, depending on the specificity of the sought-after wines, we may be obliged to bid on public sales to acquire the corresponding lots.

If you are fond of great wines and Grands Crus we will ask you:

- to specify it in your profile when you register on our site by answering "YES" to the question "Auctions?" and to specify your bank account details.

- to provide us with a purchase order specifying the lots / wines and vintages you are looking for and your agreement on the general terms and conditions applicable to the purchase of rare wines and Grands Crus.

- to send us the corresponding amount for the desired acquisitions. Given the specificity of the purchases of rare wines and Grands Crus we will be able to take your request into account only once the amount is received. Once the order fullfilled, you will receive a statement specifying the details of the wines purchased as well as the expenses incurred depending on the type of acquisition *.

We will inform you regularly about the sales of the wines you wish to acquire so that you may adjust your order.

In the case of an auction, if the desired wines could not be purchased for any reason, we will return the amounts paid to you, minus 5% for management fees, unless you ask us to retain that amount for future sales.

 petrus tajanThings to know:

- If the purchase is made through public auctions, the auction prices are exclusive of taxes and will result in VAT being settled according to the applicable tax law.

- the auction prices are subject to a commission of 35% plus VAT, which covers the remuneration of both the auctioneer and Backus.

- Whatever the method of acquisition, export outside France may be subject to authorizations in the importing country (presentation of certificates of origin, etc.). Backus can not be held responsible for delays inherent in this type of administrative regulation. The customer agrees to pay the additional costs that should be incurred to meet the requirements of the authorities.

- Shipping charges may represent a significant portion of your purchase.

* For these reasons, the minimum intervention threshold is set at € 15,000.

romanee conti plaque



 Your Grands Crus might be part of  the next auction sale and you are not registered yet?

Click on the following link:  Гран Крю  и убедитесь, что выбрали ДА  at  "Гран Крю - Аукцион по продажам"  


 Further questions? Do not hesitate to contact us : Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.





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