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Узнайте о вина и еды спариваний

A Half-a-day gourmet journey:



Learn to well entertain your guests and highlight your favorite dishes…

Take half a day of your time and discover the intricacies of the food and wine pairing: How to bring out the flavors of your dish, to highlight a spice, avoid pitfalls that can ruin hours of preparation for a dish accompanied with the wrong wine and therefore collect the praises of your guests.

Enjoy a cooking demonstration by a Chef in a friendly atmosphere. Develop you talent and your taste buds with a harmonious marriage between food and wine.



Workshop Details


Mets Plats France Homard Champagne 190x350Programme


16h30 – 18h30: Wine and food pairing discovery workshop

    • The French wine-growing Regions - Concept of soil
    • Major grape varieties and their characteristics

18h30 – 19h: Aperitif interlude around a glass of Champagne

19h – 21h: Implementation with a Chef

    • Conducting a full menu (starter-main course-dessert)
    • Wine pairing with each dish




All those interested in deepening their knowledge in wines and food-wine pairings.

Speakers / Coach:

Elena DUTOIT: Teacher in oenology at LE CORDON BLEU PARIS – cradle of what is considered today the largest international network of culinary and hospitality institutions in the world. Designer of hands-on training on food and wine (oenogastronomy). Manager of the wine distribution and export Company Back'us.



Duration : A four and a half hour session including 2 hours training et 2 hours hands-on with deliverance of a training certificate.

Group of 10 people maximum

Price: 420 € including taxes per person *

Place: Paris

*A « premium » option is available for 600 € pp including taxes. Contact us for details: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

(Photos are not contractually binding)


Sign up to join the workshops! 





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